Authors' HQ Books

Publish Your Book

(and don’t do it alone!)

Who We Are:

  • Professional book editing, design, and author platform development under one roof.
  • We’re your team, handling the heavy lifting from draft to market.

Put your best work out there with Authors’ HQ

Book Editing

Book Cover Design
Interior Design
Author Landing Pages
Website Design

We work with authors like you to simplify the publishing process.

In the world of self-publishing, the journey from manuscript to published book is both thrilling and demanding. We’re here to fill the gaps in skill and experience, and to help you navigate the process for success.

Why Partner with Authors’ HQ?

  • Comprehensive Support Tailored to Your Needs: From professional editing and book design, to building your author platform, our services cover every aspect of publishing. We’re here to fill the gaps, offering expert guidance and execution in areas where you may lack the time or know-how.
  • A Collaborative Approach to Self-Publishing: Imagine having a skilled team at your disposal—editors, designers, and publishing consultants—all working together to enhance your book’s potential. With Authors’ HQ, you’re not going it alone; you’re leveraging a collaborative effort to ensure your book stands out–for the right reasons–in a crowded marketplace.
  • Empowering Your Publishing Journey: Our mission is to empower authors by providing the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to navigate the publishing process. From initial concept to book launch, we’re with you every step of the way to ensure a smooth publishing experience.

Unleash Your Book’s Potential

Embrace the freedom to focus on what you do best—writing—while we handle the rest. Join the community of authors who’ve achieved publishing success with Authors’ HQ by their side. 

"I so much like and enjoy working with Marc. In today’s times, I often find that working with professionals means working with an associate of a large firm. It’s been a breath of fresh air for me to work directly with the principal; a capable professional, who I can get to know and who wants to get to know me."

Marc Gellman, Author

Seven Days of Shiva, marcgellman.com

The Self-Publishing Journey

Editing: Begin with ensuring your manuscript shines. Our experienced editors collaborate with you to enhance clarity, precision, and reader engagement. Choose this service individually or as part of a comprehensive package.

Design: We then craft your book’s aesthetic, from a compelling cover to a interior layout matched to your content. Available as a standalone service or integrated with others.

Publishing Support: Guiding you through publishing on leading platforms such as Amazon, we simplify the process and make sure it gets done right.

At Authors’ HQ we tailor our services to meet your needs. Whether you seek individual support in editing, design, publishing, or require a full-service approach, we’re dedicated to turning your publishing aspirations into achievements.

Epilogue, by Richard Ross. Book cover design by Authors' HQ.

"It‘s been a great pleasure working with Author’s HQ. Marc is an amazing person to work with – always calm, patient and professional as well as supportive and accessible.

"He’s always been there when I run into a problem. My technical skills are extremely limited, so I left all the heavy lifting for Marc, and he never disappointed me. I've relied on his vast experience in the industry to connect with the right people to promote my books.

"I am greatly impressed by the quality of Marc’s work and his obvious commitment to excellence."

Donald Steven Collins, Author


"Authors' HQ did a fabulous job developing websites that exceeded our expectations. While we provided guidelines for the general look we wanted for the websites, the creativity behind the final look was even better than we envisioned.

"In addition to developing the web pages, Author’s HQ coordinated illustrations of fantasy characters, created a fantasy world map, and even made the map interactive on the website.

"We’ll continue working with Author’s HQ for all our website needs and highly recommend their services."

D. A. Mucci, Author

Ignatius and the Swords of Nostaw, Ignatius and the Battle at Dinas Affaraon, Ignatius and The Scrolls of Power, damucci.com